
Leticia Melo is a 34-year-old Brazilian, born in Rio de Janeiro (a city in Brazil that is a reference in ​​advertising). She has a degree in Social Communication with a major in Advertising, specialist in Brand Tools and has several specialisation courses in Branding.

At the age of 14 Leticia started working with communication and promotion as a promoter of a renowned events venue at the time. At that moment she recognised that her work-life would be through communication with people: she found a passion.

From the day she started her degree in Communication, at age 17, Leticia worked in various areas of Social Communication such as producing TV and Radio programs, presenting TV programs, Audio Operation, among other things.

At the age of 20, Leticia had already worked at 2 major advertising agencies as an Account Executive (Heads Propaganda and Hi media) and one of the biggest radio stations in Brazil (Rádio FM O Dia) working in the Promotion area.

Until the age of 30, Leticia had already worked in communication companies and advertising agencies such as Be! Interactive, Agências 6D, Brick, Colaborativa, Fullpack, being responsible for the brands Rock in Rio, GL Events, Banco do Brasil, Infoglobo, Shopping Rio Sul, Shopping Village Mall, Shopping Cittá America, Rio de Janeiro City Council, Petrobras, Supermercados Guanabara, ECAD (Central Office of Collection and Distribution), Light (Generation, distribution, commercialisation and electric energy solutions) as Customer Service and Account Executive, Project Leader and Relationship Manager.

Leticia arrived in New Zealand when she was just over 30 and created a working partnership with Brazilian Groove, being a producer and promoter. This partnership led to two consecutive years of the Carnival event organisation, one of the biggest events of the Brazilian community in the country.

At that time, Leticia also started working as manager and producer of the band Soul Bossa Duo (a duet that has Brazilian and non-Brazilian songs in the repertoire), a band recognised in 2021 as the Best Brazilian Band in New Zealand*.

Working with all these brands gave Leticia a great deal of knowledge. Now she wants to pass this knowledge on as she believes that knowledge is only valid if it generates movement, the act of doing something and transforming, that's why Let's Communicate is an invitation to move: Let's communicate!

Leticia is thrilled to have started Let’s Communicate on Kiwi land. Through her work with local companies she has learnt to unite her Brazilian heritage with the Kiwi way of life.

Like Brazilians, Kiwis are very proud of their country and Let’s Communicate is proud to have Aotearoa as part of their story.

*Search on "Brasileiros em Auckland" Instagram.